Tequila Ambhar Reposado is 100% Blue Agave from a combination of both the lowlands (Tequila region) and from the highlands. We have found that a mix of the two regions produces a tequila with the best favor characteristics.
Tequila Ambhar Agave is harvested at its peak maturity after each is tested for the perfect sugar content. The piñas are transported to our distillery which is located in a small town outside of Arandas, Capilla de Guadalupe. The Agave is unloaded, the top or corta of the head is removed and the piñas are then cut into 6-8 uniformly sized pieces. The pieces go into a stainless steel autoclave, gas-fired oven and are roasted with a consistent combination of steam and heat. The steam first washes the piñas and removes the bitter honey in the beginning stages of roasting.